


indie rock trio 独立摇滚三重奏

touring arduously费力的巡演

engaged with 忙于

exploratory wandering 探索性的漫游

Piercing observations 锐利的观察

reintroducing the wolves  再次引入狼群

be correlated with 与...有关

grazing animals 食草动物

an exotic type 奇特的形态

mysterious stones 神秘的石头

weigh in at more than 3600 carats 重量超过3600克拉

the diamonds are unsuitable as gemstones 这个钻石不适合做宝石

strong similarities 非常相似

They are identical 非常相似

started the enterprise 开始运行企业

stalked the boss 跟踪了老板

as potent as the promise 和保证的一样有效

skin regimens 皮肤保养

Greek colony 希腊殖民地

organic containers 有机容器

trade in return 贸易交换

generate a unique tag 生成一个独特的标签

easily extracted 容易提取

a boon to a taxonomist 对分类学者的福利

in the realm of public health 公共健康领域

be responsible for 1/2 billion infections 对传染病有责任

transmit disease 传播疾病

efforts to control them are consistently undermined 逐渐减弱

snake venom 蛇毒

a mild form 轻度症状

inoculating the sample 接种样本 

the use of vaccine was controversial 疫苗的使用有争议

continued to be universalized 持续变得普遍化

a frigid environment 寒冷的环境

thrived around 兴盛

coral formation 珊瑚丛

balance budget 平衡预算

motivate staff 激励员工

make marketing decisions 做市场决定

seduced 引诱

to one extent or another 在某种程度上

implicitly hold the view 含蓄的认为